
Inworldz scripts
Inworldz scripts

  • Iris Maskelyne (DIGS – Furniture & Prefabs).
  • Sash Arabello & Inka Mexicola (Essences).
  • List of 30 content creators in The Knitting Circle Hopefully this will give you a good start in InWorldz and then in just a few weeks, The Knitting Circle will open its doors.
  • Stellar by Lexi Morgan: men & womens clothing, womens hair, shoes and more.
  • EMO-tions: some mesh hair as well ( EMO-tions Update Group).
  • Damselfly Hair Salon: Very nice mesh hair ( Damselfly Update Group).
  • Evie’s Closet: Formal, Fairy & Fantasy ( Evie’s Update Group).
  • Earthstones: Jewelry and eyes ( Earthstones Update Group).
  • Glam Fashion District: Over 20 stores, some carrying nice mesh items and more coming in soon.
  • Mimi’s Choice Shopping District: Redgrave, Vista Animations, Mimi’s Choice & Alafolie ( Mimi’s Choice Update Group).
  • InWorldz Freebie Finders: Owned by SL resident 1angelcares Writer.
  • (Also pick up the Explore HUD, it will help you discover more places to shop)
  • InWorldz Welcome Center and Freebies Center: A tutorial & free male & female AOs.
  • I have already transferred lindens to my InWorldz Avatar from my SL Avatar so I can go shopping, etc… I have been told that it may be against SL TOS if you use it, but I am not sure.
  • Link your SL Avatar to your InWorldz Avatar through Inbiz and transfer your lindens over: Full instructions on how to do that are listed on that page.
  • Download the latest Mesh Beta Viewer for InWorldz: This is the only viewer for this grid that lets you see mesh so you need this one.
  • Also pretty decent Intellectual Property terms.
  • InWorldz TOS: Lists the core team that runs InWorldz, along with the owners.
  • Uploads are free & sims are $75USD with 45K prims.
  • InWorldz FAQ Make sure to read for a better understanding of what this virtual world is and how you can purchase land.
  • inworldz scripts

    I logged in a few nights ago and have been exploring the grid since then so I thought I would share some of my findings and tell you all about The Knitting Circle. Somehow I didn’t recall doing this but in any case, luckily I got my name reserved there. To my surprise, when I tried creating a new account, it told me that I had already created a Strawberry Singh account back in 2011.

    inworldz scripts

    I saw all of them talking about it on plurk and couldn’t resist logging in to InWorldz myself to see what they were up to. So they are planning to create content for both Second Life and InWorldz.

    inworldz scripts

    The reason I’m blogging InWorldz today is because Tyr Rozenblum along with 29 other Second Life content creators have recently purchased 2 sims in InWorldz and are about to open up a shopping district called “The Knitting Circle” within the next few weeks. However, InWorldz is slowly starting to get mesh and it also has the mesh deformer. Therefore it looks a lot like Second Life, just a bit of an older version of it.

    inworldz scripts

    InWorldz is a Virtual World based off OpenSim software. Meet my InWorldz Avatar, Strawberry Singh.

    Inworldz scripts