
Comodo firewall whitelist
Comodo firewall whitelist

Using a system of behavior ‘recognizers’, Viruscope not only detects unauthorized actions but also allows you to completely undo them. Viruscope – Monitors the activities of processes running on your computer and alerts you if they take actions that could potentially threaten your privacy and/or security.RMM is available as an ITSM extension to Comodo One customers and can be accessed from the ITSM interface. Remote Monitoring and Management -The Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) Module is an efficient endpoint monitoring application that allows administrators to monitor and manage multiple endpoints from one centralized console.Mobile devices may be employee or company owned. Comodo IT and Security Manager allows network administrators to remotely configure device access rights, security settings, general preferences and to monitor and manage the device. Mobile Device Management – A mobile device is any Android or iOS smart phone or tablet that can connect to the enterprise network through a wireless connection.Firewall – Highly configurable packet filtering firewall that constantly defends your system from inbound and outbound Internet attacks.HIPS blocks the activities of malicious programs by halting any action that could cause damage to your operating system, system-memory, registry keys or personal data. Host Intrusion Protection (HIPS) – A rules-based intrusion prevention system that monitors the activities of all applications and processes on your computer.Apart from the powerful on-demand, on-access and scheduled scan capabilities, CCS users can now simply drag-and-drop items onto the home screen to run an instant virus scan. Antivirus – Proactive antivirus engine that automatically detects and eliminates viruses, worms and other malware.This gives untrusted (but harmless) applications the freedom to operate whilst untrusted and potentially malicious applications are prevented from damaging your PC or data. Unrecognized processes and applications will be auto contained and run under a set of restrictions, so they cannot harm your computer. Containment – Authenticates every executable and process running on your computer and prevents them from taking actions that could harm your computer.

Comodo firewall whitelist